Briefly tell us who you are and where you are from.

My name is Mubiru Ali and I’m an innovative and ambitious person who strives to bring out the best. I have spent the last 10 years working with needy children and women living in the slums of Kampala where I once lived helping them through social and economic empowerment. I like motivating people, especially the business oriented men and women. I also enjoy working with the youth in several diverse areas such as entrepreneurship, saving, economic empowerment, and business management. I am also interested in being a resource person for beneficial interaction and professional growth.

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Loyal, Energetic, Alert

When is your birthday? What is your favorite color? Favorite activity?

My birthday is on January 26th. My favorite color is blue. I love to reach out to the needy people.

If you could do or be anything in the world, what would it be?

I would devote my time to helping with words or good actions. I want to be someone who can make the world better place in order to inspire people.

Tell us your RISE story. What are you RISing from?  What are you RISE-ing to?  What has been a challenge in your RISE-ing process?

I was born to a poor family that could only afford one meal a day in the slums of Katanga, Kampala. My mom worked in the nearby market. My mom supported me to go school. Though my attendance was irregular, she always reminded me that this was my only chance to break through. I worked hard in school and would collect scrap during free time in order to get money to help my mom. It was through school that I transformed with time because I got a chance to meet many people and take advantage of opportunities that completely changed me financially and socially. This inspired me to become an ambassador of hope to other children living in slums.

During my life struggles in the slums,  I met Josephine, a struggling single mother who was attacked with acid by her envious husband. She always struggled to make ends meet and I always helped her with home chores. She always said “I have nothing to pay you, but I Pray for you to reap out the best out of all your kind efforts”. Unfortunately, Josephine passed away before I even graduated from university.

When I joined media, I vowed to use this chance to be a voice for the voiceless. When I was given a chance to be a Farmer’s Program Host, I had to move out to the field, which is where I met struggling acid victims in villages. When I shared my experience with my friend and workmate, Ernest, I found out that we had similar ambitions and decided to join hands.

Our daily meals were rationed. We lived in single room mud house in the slums. The curtain  divided the room and created a bedroom and a sitting room. Life was very hard because of the poor sanitation, poor medical services, and irregular school attendance. 

Sometimes, I thought life was nothing and I always asked myself, “What did we do to live in such a state of life?”. However, after looking at many other people who suffered, I became stronger and decided to work hard to have a better life in the future. I concentrated on books and also had a chance to help my mother with work.

My mom taught me how to work hard. The more achievements I made at school gave me hope that I would come out of the slums and be the best one day.

How have you overcome those challenges?

Persistence, Devotion, Loyalty, and Passion

What would you say to those who think they can’t make a difference in the world?

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

What does RISE mean to you?

R – Reach out

I – Inspire

S – Sustainably

E – Empower

Final thoughts?

Always reach out to help the needy live an independent and sustainable life.