Beyond the Scars Initiative

is a nonprofit organization in Uganda serving acid attack survivors.  It was founded in 2023 by Daniel Kasolo and Julie Bukirwa.  Daniel and Julie founded the organization to expand the support available to acid attack survivors in Uganda.  What separates them from other organizations in Uganda supporting acid attack survivors is that they follow a social enterprise model.  Nonprofit organizations following social enterprise models are still non for profit organizations, in that they are not in it for the money.  However, rather than relying on donations, they fund the majority of the costs associated with running their organization through selling goods and services.

Why a social enterprise model?  They (and we at RISE) believe this is the most empowering and provides the longest term positive impact for survivors. Em-power means to put power in and social enterprise models put the power to succeed in the hands of the survivors.  Survivors gain confidence as they experience the growth of their organization, knowing that the growth was primarily based on their own initiatives.

Prior to starting Beyond the Scars Initiative, Julie and Daniel were already small business owners.  Julie’s business was craft making and Daniel’s business was an electronics shop.  Now at the new office, they are combining their areas of expertise (craft and electronics products) and have added food and drinks, to fund their new organization.

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3 thoughts on “Beyond the Scars

  1. This is a great initiative. Indeed, after an acid accident, there is more to it than meets the eye.
    The trauma, the pain from all sides, the feeling of hopelessness and so on, is beyond comprehension.

    I’m looking forward to the launch of the Situational Report on Acid Violence in Uganda on 2nd April 2024
    God bless BTSI.

  2. Fantastic! I wish you blessings and much success! Gid bless you all always! Sending love and hugs!🤗🙏

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